
big fat quiz of the year – sunday january 30th
We’ve said a fond (let’s face it) cheerio to 2021 but we thought we’d test out just how much you remembered about it!
So, we’ve planned our annual big fat quiz of the year inter – pub challenge on Sunday 30th January at 8pm. Think you know as much as you could possibly know about 2021? Well come and test yourself. Rounds will be on everything from celebrities to politics (and there’s been plenty of that), births and deaths… you name it, we’ll test you! Not only will you be competing with other teams in the Exmouth, we will be going head to head with teams in the The Royal (our sister pub).
It’s £1 entry as normal, and teams of up to 6 people! There will be some extra special prizes and all proceeds will be going to the magnificent Sue Ryder Leckhampton Court Hospice.
Come and pit your wits against the finest brains that Bath Road (and Charlton Kings) has to offer.